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Film Screening: We Were Here: The Untold Story of Black Africans in Renaissance Europe
Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
B115 Wells Hall
African Studies Center
Event Details:

We Were Here: The Untold Story of Black Africans in Renaissance Europe with director Fred Kudjo Kuworno.

We Were Here - The Untold History of Black Africans in Renaissance Europe, exhibited in the Central Pavilion directed by Adriano Pedrosa at the 60th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, sheds light on the overlooked presence of African and Black individuals in Renaissance Europe, highlighting their depiction in masterpieces by some of the eras most celebrated artists. How did they come to Europe? Why were they portrayed? Were they truly all servants or slaves? If the Black faces portrayed in these Renaissance masterpieces could speak, what would they tell us? More Info: https://www.wewereherethefilm.com

Co-sponsors are the History Department, the African-American and African Studies Department, the Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion, and the African Studies Center.

*This event is part of the 65th Anniversary of the MSU African Studies Center Celebration!