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Undergraduate Degree Programs

There are various for­mal options for incorporating African Studies into undergraduate degree pro­grams.

Undergraduate Majors

Under­graduate Major in Global and Area Studies-Af­rica Track, within the College of Social Science

Global and Area Studies is an interdisciplinary major that focuses on global systems and how they play out in different world regions. Students gain knowledge of particular world regions (including foreign languages) or of global themes that are important across regions, depending on the concentration they choose.

Undergradu­ate major in Ara­bic

The bachelor of arts degree in Arabic is designed to develop both the linguistic and intercultural skills of students to an advanced level of language competency. Students will study modern standard Arabic and Arabic culture and literature. The major focuses on creating proficient speakers of Arabic who can apply their language skills in a variety of disciplines and careers.

Additional major in Ara­bic

This option is designed to encourage students to combine a major in Arabic with a major in another field such as business, economics, history, international relations, political science, or another foreign language.

Undergraduate Minors

Undergraduate Minor in African Studies in the College of Social Science

The minor complements a number of major fields, but students who plan graduate study related to Africa, who wish to pursue careers in international agencies in the United States and other countries, or who wish to work in Africa may find the minor particularly appealing.

Undergraduate Minor in African Ameri­can and African Studies

This minor provides students with an interdisciplinary study of the historical and contemporary lived experiences of African descendants in the United States and elsewhere in the northern hemispheric African diaspora, as well as continental African nations and peoples.

Undergraduate minor in Muslim Studies within James Madi­son Col­lege (JMC)

This minor provides students with the opportunity for sustained study of Muslim societies and Islam in a range of disciplines and topics.

Undergraduate minor in Arabic

The minor in Arabic will provide students the opportunity to acquire a core of basic knowledge of Arabic language and culture.

Teacher Educa­tion (TE) disciplinary teaching minor in Ar­abic 

Students may elect to complete one or more optional disciplinary teaching minor(s), in addition to the required teaching major.

The Global Educators Cohort Program

The Global Educators Cohort Program (GECP) gives future educators the tools they need to teach with a global view and to make an impact in today's classrooms, which are increasingly culturally diverse.